Exploring the latest developments in continuing professional education and LMS technologies.
Providing Podcast CME is Easier Than Ever
If you offer podcast CME or are considering offering it, you’ve got a lot to consider. For starters, there’s the question of hosting the files. Where will they live? And how will learners access them? Another issue is how to merge the audio files with actual CME activities so that you can truly offer the…
Here’s How to Increase Virtual CME Participation
For CME or CE providers who used to host live meetings, how engaging are virtual activities by comparison? It’s a question many are asking a year after the coronavirus pandemic forced providers to virtualize their CME/CE offerings. In a CE Outcomes survey from last year, the data on virtual meeting participation wasn’t very encouraging: “[...]…
Will COVID-19 Change CME Forever?
We all know that COVID-19 changed CME in 2020. Live meetings were canceled. Providers started broadcasting virtual sessions. Enduring activities and webinars became a preferred activity type for many learners. But will those changes continue beyond the COVID-19 era? Will the crisis have other long-lasting impacts on CME, even after the situation improves and live…
Does Your CME Management System Have These Flaws?
If your CME management system isn’t exactly new anymore, there’s a good chance it’s not keeping up with your administrative requirements. From clunky interfaces to a total lack of fundamental features, the problems with most CME software are numerous. And when you’ve used the same system for years, you probably don’t know what you’re missing.…
The Secret to Staying on Top of Changes in CME
In the continuing medical education (CME) world, things are always changing. From ACCME standards to macro-level trends in professional education, the industry is in a constant state of evolution. So, what’s the secret to staying on top of these rapid-fire changes? Adaptation. More specifically, the ability to adapt quickly. Organizations that can adapt quickly are…
COVID-19 Sabotaged Your CME Live Meeting. What Now?
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted nearly everyone on earth and CME providers are no exception. What can you do if you have a CME live meeting planned for 2020? If it isn’t possible (or advisable) to host the event, how can you accommodate learners who hoped to earn credit from their attendance? More importantly, how…
5 Ways to Improve Your CME Website
Learners need your CME website to work. More specifically, they need it to deliver the content they need, include all CME activity tasks, and be easy to navigate. But many CME websites fail to deliver on these basic requirements. Maybe they don’t have integrated CME activities. Or maybe they require the learner to juggle multiple…
These Tools Simplify CE Joint Accreditation
Nearly all medical professionals participate in some kind of continuing education (CE). Doctors need CME; nurses need CNE; pharmacists need CPE, and so on. For jointly accredited organizations that provide multiple types of CE – continuing medical education and continuing pharmacy education, for example– it can be tedious to collect data and send reports to…
3 Ways Positive CME Outcomes Benefit Hospitals
For physician learners, CME participation is a given. They’ve got to complete CME to satisfy a professional mandate. But physicians and their patients aren’t the only ones who benefit from CME. High quality CME activities – and, in particular, the high quality CME outcomes resulting from those activities – hold significant benefits for healthcare institutions.…
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