Providing Podcast CME is Easier Than Ever
If you offer podcast CME or are considering offering it, you’ve got a lot to consider.
For starters, there’s the question of hosting the files. Where will they live? And how will learners access them?
Another issue is how to merge the audio files with actual CME activities so that you can truly offer the audio for CME credit. If your existing system doesn’t support audio files or can’t associate them with CME activities, providing a podcast or other audio content as an activity could be a real struggle.
The good news is that there’s now a method of delivering podcast CME that solves all of these problems.
What is podcast CME?
Before going on, let’s consider what podcast CME is. Some CME providers have started publishing podcasts on a regular basis. Each episode contains CME content, and learners can earn credits after the successful completion of a post-test following the episode.
But your organization doesn’t have to actually be podcasting to offer podcast CME.
For example, maybe you’ve repurposed recorded webinars into enduring CME activities. If you’re able to extract the audio, you could offer it as podcast CME! It’s basically a way to give learners another option in addition to the recorded webinar.
If you’re thinking, “that’s not really a podcast,” you’re technically correct. However, it’s still an audio file that contains CME content. Even if it isn’t delivered as a podcast, it’s fundamentally the same thing from a CME perspective.
Why offer podcast CME?
There are a few good reasons to consider offering podcast CME.
For one thing, more learners have grown accustomed to virtual CME during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether they’re attending webinars, reading more journal articles, or completing enduring activities, online learning is very much a part of their paradigm.
Also consider that more learners were getting their CME online even before the pandemic. Online learning, though it has since become a necessity in the short term, will likely remain the norm for many learners in the years to come – even as large gatherings and CME live meetings become safe again.
Finally, there’s a good chance you’re already offering webinars as enduring activities. If you’re able to extract the audio from those, you can make CME more convenient for learners who are truly on the go – think physicians listening with earbuds while riding home on the subway.
How Rievent simplifies podcast CME
So, why exactly is delivering podcast CME easier than ever? Because we just added support for podcast CME to Rievent!
Now, in addition to webinar activities, you can add standalone audio files to Rievent and easily turn them into CME activities. Our podcast CME tools help you:
- Host recorded audio
- Associate the recorded audio with CME activities
- Add pre-tests, post-tests, and evaluations, as needed
- Automatically award credit upon completion of the activity
- Provide on-demand certificates upon successful activity completion
It’s fundamentally the same feature set that we offer for all CME activities. Only now, you can add your podcasts or recorded audio from webinars as their own activities in Rievent.
In the end, you gain another tool that helps you engage learners. And learners gain a new opportunity to earn CME on their time and their terms.
Contact Us Today
Are you ready to simplify and improve your CME technology? Contact us today to learn more or schedule a live product demo!