Learner Experience

Rievent makes it easy for learners to earn credit and manage all aspects of their CME or CE.

At the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), CME learners were struggling to obtain certificates after completing activities. The organization’s homegrown CME system simply wasn’t capable of generating the updated certificate for learners to download.

For the American Society of Dermatopathology (ASDP), learners’ biggest problem was activity availability. The ASDP’s legacy system wasn’t mobile responsive, so learners could only complete activities when they had access to a desktop computer.



Administrators were constantly fielding and fulfilling learner CME certificate requests, which was frustrating to learners and time-consuming for staff.


Learners were unable to complete CME activities at convenient times because of limited CME system functionality.



Company leadership invested in Rievent, which made it easy for learners to download and print up-to-date certificates immediately after activity completion.


Following the society’s migration to Rievent, members gained the ability to complete CME activities from their mobile devices.


“I used to get lots of questions from learners about how to obtain a certificate. […] [Now] learners can print their certificates immediately upon completion.”

“Our members are less tempted to go elsewhere for CME.”

– Patty Baskin
Executive Editor for Neurology® Journals at AAN

“According to our learners, the new system is very fast and easy to use.”

“[Learners] now have no trouble [earning CME] on mobile devices.”

– Leah Smith
Executive Director, American Society of Dermatopathology

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