
Finish Your JA-PARS Reports in Just Five Minutes

If your learners request credits for CME, CPE, CE, and/or CNE, there’s a good chance you’re a jointly accredited continuing education provider. Interprofessional continuing education (ICPE) is valuable because it promotes collaboration among health professionals in an effort to achieve better health outcomes.

But when it comes to administration, joint accreditation is pretty much the same as any other type of accreditation. There are standards you’re expected to meet.

And to demonstrate that you’re meeting those standards, you have to gather data, assemble a report, and submit it by the reporting deadline.

These are your JA-PARS reports, and they’re a lot like…

…PARS reports. No surprise there, right?

Much like the ACCME, the Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education requires you to submit an annual report to their JA-PARS reporting system. Under typical conditions, this can be a pretty tedious exercise involving tasks like:

The process takes a really long time.

Did you know there’s a way to finish your JA-PARS reports in just five minutes?

Or did the title of this article give that away?

Well, there is a way to finish your JA-PARS reports in the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee. The thing is, you’re not actually “finishing” anything. You’re simply handing all of the data collection tasks over to your technology.

Before we explain how that works, consider how Rievent handles PARS reporting to the ACCME. Many years ago, when we designed a CME-centric learning management application, we knew PARS reporting was a major source of tedium and frustration for CME providers.

To alleviate that problem, we designed our platform to capture all required ACCME PARS data throughout the year. At any point, CME administrators could download a properly formatted, ready-to-go PARS report and upload it to the PARS website. Since Rievent was collecting all the data and assembling it into a report, there wasn’t really anything else for administrators to do. You just had to grab the report and upload it.

Well, Rievent’s PARS reporting tools still work this way. We keep them up to date with evolving ACCME requirements, but they basically work the same way they have for over a decade.

In recent years, we’ve offered expanded reporting capabilities. Using Rievent, it’s just as easy to generate ANCC NARS reports as it is for PARS. And if you report CPE credits to the ACPE, the platform includes a real-time web service that submits them for you.

Now we’re doing the same thing for your JA-PARS reports

It works exactly the same way as PARS reporting. All you have to do is:

  1. Download your JA-PARS report directly from Rievent
  2. Navigate to the JA-PARS website
  3. Upload the report

That’s really it! The only extra bit of “work” you’ll have to do is enter your financials, core competencies, and other small bits of activity information. Thankfully, Rievent includes a dedicated interface for adding those things, so you can get it done in one fell swoop.

Using this system, you’ll never even have to look at Excel, and you won’t have to track down old emails where someone attached a file containing important data for your report.

It’s all right there. Reported, organized, and formatted.

Making things easier is really a Rievent tradition

Most of the time, CME administration is hard. And when you’re dealing with manual data entry and tight deadlines, it’s even harder.

We don’t think you should have to do all that work.

Your talents are best suited to higher-value tasks! You deserve more time in your day to work on things like:

The more capable your technology, the more time you have for these core job functions. Our JA-PARS reporting features are simply the latest in a long line of platform enhancements that help you reclaim that lost time and put it to the best possible use.

Ready to make CME better for you, your staff, and your learners? Request a product demo today!